What’s a Curriculum

« A college curriculum is intended to provide children and young people with the knowledge and skills required to lead successful lives. Today, there is growing concern that the taught curriculum needs to be reconsidered and redesigned..

« What is a curriculum for at this time? It comprises a challenging selection of subjects that help children and young people understand the world. It highlights skills necessary for learning throughout life, as well as for work, and for one’s personal development and well-being.

« A curriculum fundamentally establishes a vision of the kind of society we want in the future, and the kind of people we want in it: it decides what the ‘good life’ is for individuals and for society as a whole.

The Premise of our Curriculum Design

« To design a curriculum that is relevant and appropriate to the needs of today’s children, the content, teaching methods and co-curricular activities have been stream-lined and reorganized around the following aims of– Enabling all children to become successful learners Providing them opportunities to develop as confident individuals Creating a value-based climate for children to grow up as responsible citizens.

« Designing a transformational Curriculum which has the potential to rejuvenate subjects, to enhance interdisciplinary learning and to create meaningful and sustainable connections with the ‘real world’ that children experience outside college and to link academic and vocational knowledge and skills more coherently.

« What is meant by ‘curriculum innovation’ and ‘innovation in teaching and learning’ is being creative and innovative in terms of what is taught, and how it is taught. Simply put, we view the college curriculum as the bedrock for exciting, new and innovative classroom approaches. We have been able to work towards this transformation only because we see the planning, research and practice are seen as a triangular framework for reconsidering and renewing curriculum design and related classroom practices.

Student Development Through Curriculum

« Child-First : Child is at the centre of the entire vision of Shikshantaram. Child is all - the means, the purpose and the outcome.

« Opportunity for All : All the children to get equal opportunities to excel in their life in their own special way. Everyone to get chance to participate in all the college programmes and activities.

« Competition with self : Competition is only a motivating tool for us that encourages children to push their limits and drives them to bring out the best in them. However we promote competition with self rather than with each other. It is about raising the bar from level to level once a child attains it. In the process, no one loses and everyone wins.

« Sampoorn Vyaktitv (Overall Excellence) : The learning programme must look at developing the whole individual with a versatile all-rounded personality by training the head, heart, body and conscience through a Conceptual Interdisciplinary Academic Programme integrated with Enrichment Activities for multi-dimensional exposure, Cultural Education in performing and visual art, physical education in games, sports, health and fitness, character building through value education and life-skill programme & technical education through computer based and technology enabled learning programme.

« Inspiring College Climate to develop values, emotional/social & other life-skills in children: Though our curriculum is enriched with several out-of-box programmes specially designed to inculcate life-skills and values in young children, like, circle-time, college-cinema, inspire-time, yoga, whole college meditation, katha, open-house, class-presentations in morning assemblies, film-time & reflection, Hamari panchayat, promise-life skill programme, guest-speak, reading for enrichment, speak-your-mind, extempore, theatre-in-education, story-telling-sessions, Dus ka Dum morning ritual, personality plus etc, but we emphatically believe in creating an overall inspiring climate in our entire college where values and life skill wisdom is interwoven across its length and breadth & where each individual and each programme walks the talk and inspires through role-modeling.