Public speaking

« The children regularly participate in public speaking activities – elocution, debate, extempore, recitation, group discussion even story telling - in English, Hindi & French.

« Round One- every student of each class participates in their respective sections.

« Round Two - 8/10 short-listed children deliver elocution and recite - in their own classes.

« Final round- The selection of the students for the final round is made in a very democratic way in keeping with the principle of maximum participation. 2 finalists and 1 reserve are chosen. This round takes place in the auditorium in full presence of everyone and Judges. Anyone who crosses a certain pre-determined score wins a merit card.


« Life Skills & Value Education

« We seek to seamlessly blend life’s lessons into learning emerging from each one of our endeavors at college, ranging from a simple discussion to a mega event. The main objective of life skills education at SUC is to enable the student to develop an awareness of oneself as a person of worth and dignity. Life skills training is an essential part of the learning process for children, ranging from simple skills like tying laces, doing up buttons, laying the table going up to skills which will help students understand themselves and contribute to growth in personal responsibility as well as empower them in challenging situations. We believe that the education in life skills and human values is better caught than taught & therefore these lessons for life must be interwoven in the entire climate of the college and across the college curriculum. SUC has envisioned some path-breaking programmes in the curriculum as PROMISE life skill workshops, COLLEGE-CINEMA for life skills and VEK activities around value education.